Massive Power Blackouts Coming – Over Half Affected!

Blackout warning sign

( – America’s power grid is on the brink of collapse, and it is all thanks to the left’s misguided push for unreliable “green” energy.

The North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) warns that over half of North America faces the risk of blackouts in the coming years.

The reason is the quick closure of reliable coal, gas and nuclear plants while failing to meet the exploding demand for electric vehicles and other liberal pet projects.

The situation is dire. NERC forecasts a staggering 15% increase in peak summer demand and an 18% jump in winter demand.

Meanwhile, the electric grid is becoming less reliable by the day due to a dangerous cocktail of short-sighted policies and reckless rejection of tried-and-true energy sources.

“Accelerated retirements of the existing coal, natural gas, and nuclear generators can have a profound and negative effect on the resource adequacy and reliability of the [bulk power system] in the next 10 years,” NERC warns.

The left’s obsession with “clean” energy is leaving countless people vulnerable as solar panels and wind turbines cannot keep up with energy needs.

“The trends point to critical reliability challenges facing the industry: satisfying escalating energy growth, managing generator retirements, and accelerating resource and transmission development,” NERC added.

It is not just NERC that is sounding the alarm. Mark C. Christie of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) also warns of a looming “electricity supply crisis.”

PJM, the largest grid operator in the U.S., projects a 40-gigawatt generation capacity loss by the end of the decade due to the early retirement of power units.

To make matters worse, the Biden administration’s EPA is pushing regulations that could speed up the retirement of coal fleets.

In response, the National Rural Electric Cooperative Association (NRECA) is fighting back, urging the repeal of these job-killing, blackout-inducing regulations.

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